Monday, December 12, 2005

Scotty boy- stuntman extra-ordinaire!

Slowly, slowly folks we progress.

Sometimes you have to kill a lot of people to make a film. That's pretty much what the first chase is costing us... Lives- and lots of them.

Here is Marcus... FLYING

And here is a rough cut of the chase.
There are:
- Bits that are not yet done (so the original film remains in part)
- Bits that have rough footage in place- final versions to be re shot
- Bits that will be cut from the whole fim (eg: Mopping up fuel scene)

See it: [7.6 MB]

Some pics:
Marcus throws his shoulder out:

Ow, man did I fly that time!

Marcus getting a tan on his lilly white armor

Oh look I can see a little cloud!

Donny IS Mad Max

Did I just run over the director again?


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